Welcome to Juno Temple Network your best source for all information, news and photos of Juno Temple. You may know Juno from her oldest projects as Wild Child and Glorious 39, or more recently Little Birds and Maleficient. Dont forget to add our fansite to your bookmars and keep visiting for more news!
Juno Temple Network
Jun 30, 2018   JasonX   Comments Off on New pictures and news!   Electric Dreams, Gallery, News, Press Archive, Tocsin, Unsane, Vinyl, Wonder Wheel

First, here are the fresh additions to the Gallery: Two photos from a Kodak-set; an Instagram find of Juno with a traveling bag; three nice additions to the ‘Electric Dreams’ Behind the Scenes-collection; similar number of photos from the set of ‘Unsane’; a compilation of Juno’s eye-make-ups from ‘Vinyl’; and a photo made by a fan at a Japanese (?) premiere of ‘Wonder Wheel’, where two of Juno’s dresses where exhibited from the movie.

carloalbertorecchia1.jpg cdd1dc169ea5ea3b2dcc6abd826289a8a8939755e5c56988a0e596ec2053a982.jpg Electric_2.jpg Unsane_inst1.jpg Vinyl_eyes.jpg Wonder_Wheel_inst.jpg

Studio Photoshoots  >  2018  >  Carlo Aberto Recchia

Miscellaneous  >  Instagram Pictures

Television  >  (2017) Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams  >  Behind the Scenes

Films  >  (2018) Unsane  >  Behind the Scenes

Television  >  (2016) Vinyl  >  On Set

Films  >  (2017) Wonder Wheel  >  Behind the Scenes

And now for the news: Apparently, The Academy, which gives out the Oscars every year, has accepted Juno into it’s members of the Actors Branch. I don’t know exactly, what this means for her or for us – maybe she can vote on the movies now? In another news, pictures have surfaced from ‘Tocsin’, the mysterious short movie from The Cayman Islands. I’ve looked at them, and in my opinion, none of them has Juno on, but look and decide for yourself!

The Academy’s page of freshly accepted members (you need for search for Juno’s name of scroll down to see her)

‘Tocsin’ pictures 1

‘Tocsin’ pictures 2

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