Welcome to Juno Temple Network your best source for all information, news and photos of Juno Temple. You may know Juno from her oldest projects as Wild Child and Glorious 39, or more recently Little Birds and Maleficient. Dont forget to add our fansite to your bookmars and keep visiting for more news!
Juno Temple Network
August 12, 2017   JasonX   Comments Off on ‘Pandaemonium’ Screencaps Gallery, Pandaemonium

We are proud to present screencaps from Juno’s first ever movie, the super-rare Pandaemonium! This movie was directed by her father, Julien Temple, and she plays Emma, daugther of the English poet Robert Southey; and even shares a scene with a real bear!     Films  >  Pandaemonium  >  Screencaps