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“You’ve gotta be real.” – interview for sbjct

Juno has been featured on the online platform sbjct, as an interesting subject:) The interview featured a lot of great, high quality photos, which were all made public, and that’s a really nice gift for us fans. Here are the pictures, and the interview is following them at the bottom of this post.

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Magazine Scan  >  2017  >  sbjct

British actress Juno Temple stars in Woody Allen’s latest film, ’Wonder Wheel’, out in theatres today. We caught up with the 28-year old ingénue to learn about her acting roots and the lessons she’s taken away from working with some of Hollywood’s greats.

SBJCT You got your first acting gig at the age of ten – that’s pretty impressive!

JUNO TEMPLE Well, yes and no. It was my dad’s film (he’s a director), and actually I got cut from it!

SBJCT I guess it gave you a taste of the business at least!

JT Well, I got my first job independent from my family when I was 15. My parents both work in the industry, and when I told them at age 14 that I wanted to act, I could tell they were thinking “Oh shit, really?” Because it’s hard, especially for women… You’re so judged on your looks, you get told no a lot, spend lonely time in hotels, and I think my parents were worried about how that would affect me. But when the audition for ’Notes On A Scandal’ came my way, they were supportive – they said I should go and see how many other girls wanted to be actresses. So I went, and I waited in line for two hours with my best friend, and all they did was take a picture of me. The next day I got a phone call saying the director wanted me to come in and read for him, and I couldn’t believe it! I was terrified. It was one of those buildings with really thin walls and I could hear the audition before mine.

Two weeks later I was home with my mum, about to go do the shopping, and she came out to the car in tears. Thinking the worst, I asked her what was wrong, and she told me I’d gotten the part! I couldn’t believe it. But that was the start of it all, I guess.

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  posted by JasonX
  posted on Dec 05, 2017
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More ‘Wonder Wheel’

Here are the promised screencaps from the trailer of ‘Wonder Wheel’, along with a few pieces of information regarding the movie, from the director, Woody Allen (via Page Six):

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Films  >  (2017) Wonder Wheel  >  Trailer Screencaps

“The eight-week shoot was set in Coney Island. I grew up nearby and always wanted to do a dramatic story against an amusement park’s backdrop. 1950 was great with all those rides.

Factored into post production time’s budget was re-creating the Cyclone and Parachute Jump. I couldn’t do that before for any reasonable money, but with special effects it’s now not a prohibitive cost.

Live portions were difficult because under boardwalk sections — which are now removed — is where people used to make love, so I had to intercut other places to stick into the movie.”

How’s it happen that every year he’s out with another film and how is it that as this one’s debuting he’s already downtown filming another one for 2018?

“I once wrote for Sid Caesar’s live show. Every Monday, I’d sit in the room, make up stories and have to come up with an idea. I grew up dreaming stories.

My actors in this are Kate Winslet, Justin Timberlake, Jim Belushi and young, attractive Juno Temple. They like good parts that aren’t just car crashes. I sent the script. They were enthusiastic. Belushi I saw 40 years ago in a romantic part and I filed him away in my mind.

The truth is, I’m no festival person. Except for Cannes, I don’t usually do them. My wife likes Cannes. But ‘Wonder Wheel’ is for Amazon, and their people got me to do this one.”


  posted by JasonX
  posted on Oct 06, 2017
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The Guardian: ‘Blackpool is like Reno, not flashy’

This interview was made in May, about her new movie ‘Away’ and about the cancelled series ‘Vinyl’.

The actor stars alongside Timothy Spall in ‘Away’, a new drama set in the seaside town. Did the Lancashire resort’s ‘magic’ help her get over HBO cancelling ‘Vinyl’?

Hello Juno. How are you feeling?

I’m good. I had tonsillitis.

Are you better?

I am now but I’ll be honest, it’s really difficult when you can’t do anything because you can’t swallow or talk. I had to go and see a doctor and get some antibiotics to keep going.

You’re calling from LA. Are you one of those people who flips between accents?

I’ve lived here on and off for about eight years. I find that I try to hold on to my English accent as much as humanly possible, but I do find that you can’t help but stretch into characteristics of what you’re surrounded by. So it’s the cellphone, and the freeway – things like that are inevitable. If I said motorway here, everybody would be like, “what?”

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  posted by JasonX
  posted on Jul 06, 2017
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‘We need more female characters in their mid-20s – it’s an important time’

The British actress rose to fame as a child star in Notes on a Scandal, St Trinian’s and Atonement, but  thinks that, at 27, she’s now too old to play a teenager and too young to play a woman in her 30s.

“There are lots of parts for people who are younger than that in that period and then there are lots of parts for people who are a bit older than that, in their 30s,” she told the Standard.

“I’m sort of in between. I’m not sure I can really play an 18-year-old anymore, maybe on a good day but honestly, I’m so not 18. So that’s been kind of frustrating this year.”

Temple said that it’s important to tells stories about women in their 20s as “that’s when you’re figuring out who you are there’s so much to write about that.”

“It changes, some years there are brilliant roles and some years there just aren’t,” she said.

Despite being in a difficult age bracket, Temple’s career is going from strength-to-strength after relocating from London to Los Angeles.


She stars opposite Timothy Spall in David Blair’s new Blackpool-set drama Away and has just shot her scenes for Woody Allen’s Wonder wheel.

Temple is used to being in the spotlight, being the daughter of rock documentary filmmaker Julien Temple and starring in her first film, Vigo: Passion for Life, aged just eight.

After nearly two decades in the industry, she said she has grown a thicker skin, but still “cries like a baby” when she misses out on a part.

“I don’t think that will go away, and if it does then I should quit doing this because I think it shows I still really care, which is important,” she said.

“It’s more now trying not to take it personally and just allowing yourself to cry about the fact that you’re not going to be able to step into the skin of that character.”

Temple credits her down-to-earth nature with being “real” and accepting that “nobody’s perfect.”

“It’s really important to be you and be real and hang out with people that you love,” she said.

“You can’t be perfect and that’s so not a message that I’d want to send to any young girl who wants to be an actress anyway.”

Away is in cinemas and available on DVD now.

  posted by Ana
  posted on May 20, 2017
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Deadline: Juno Temple On Working With Scorsese And Jagger On ‘Vinyl’


Studio Photoshoots > 2016 > Session 013 for Deadline


When Juno Temple joined the cast of HBO’s Vinyl, she’d previously worked mostly in independent film and hadn’t really considered television. “It was the first time I’ve ever auditioned for TV actually,” Temple says. “I read it and I don’t know, it felt kind of like a rite of passage. I really wanted to fight for the role.” Set in 1970s New York, the show—whose second season was recently pulled by HBO—centers around record exec Richie Finestra (Bobby Cannavale) and his efforts to revive his record label. Temple is Jamie Vine, a driven young A&R woman with a yen for the lead singer of emerging punk band The Nasty Bits (James Jagger’s Kip Stevens).

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  posted by Ana
  posted on Jun 25, 2016
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ID’s: Juno Temple’s new york nightlife daydreams

Juno Temple was never going to be cast as the high school sweetheart, but as the star of HBO’s new drama, Vinyl, she’s got something much more exciting up her sleeve…

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Studio Photoshoots > 2016 > Session 005 for ID Magazine
If New York City needs a new tourism ambassador to replace Taylor Swift, then the Big Apple should look to Juno Temple. The 26-year-old actress may be London-born, Somerset-bred and a resident of Los Angeles but since spending six months filming in New York she has fallen for the city, hard. It’s not that Juno’s tired of the West coast, just that the East offers something different. “Los Angeles is all about the entertainment industry,” she explains. “Not that that’s a bad thing, I’ve been here seven years and have had a great time. But I really felt in New York that it’s such a minestrone soup of different people and backgrounds and ideas and jobs. I found it very thrilling to walk into a bar and find it not just full of people from the entertainment industry.”
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  posted by Ana
  posted on Mar 18, 2016
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