Welcome to Juno Temple Network your best source for all information, news and photos of Juno Temple. You may know Juno from her oldest projects as Wild Child and Glorious 39, or more recently Little Birds and Maleficient. Dont forget to add our fansite to your bookmars and keep visiting for more news!
Juno Temple Network
Nov 22, 2018   JasonX   Comments Off on 3 new pics + more to come   Dirty John, Gallery, Horns

It’s ‘Dirty John’ season now. I saw some tweets claiming that the first episode is already out, despite the official premiere date was set to November 25th. This weekend, I’ll try to get all the released episodes, meanwhile we have two nice pictures related to the series. The first one is a screencap from a video, that is not yet available for me, but it soon will be (I never understand what’s the point of blocking you from watching their video if you are in a foreign country); the second is an Instagram-find, a behind-the-scenes picture about the make-up that Juno wore at the ‘Dirty John’ premiere gala.

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Television  >  (2019) Dirty John  >  Promotional Portraits

The third new addition also comes from Instagram, it’s a group shot of the main cast of ‘Horns’:


Films  >  (2013) Horns  >  On Set  >  Filming: 01-10-2012

Next time: Even more ‘Dirty John’!

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