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Juno Temple Network
Dec 15, 2017   JasonX   Comments Off on Juno deserves an Oscar nomination? We sure think so:)   News, Press Archive, Wonder Wheel

This article has been tweeted to us. In it, the author assembled a list of 19 actors/actresses, whom they think deserve at least a nomination at the Academy Awards, but somehow the people in charge of this always ignore them at the right time. Among the 19, there is Juno, who came under the spotlight because of ‘Wonder Wheel’. Here’s what the article says about her – a little bit spoilerish about the movie, but not very much;)

In Woody Allen’s ‘Wonder Wheel’set in the mid 1950s, Juno Temple plays a comically naive Brooklyn girl who ratted to the FBI about the Mob after she fell out with her gangster husband. The role is a caricature: Allen narrowly avoided writing Carolina as a bimbo, but she is a bright woman who aspires to becoming an English teacher. At the start of the movie, she arrives at her estranged dad’s Coney Island amusement park home terrified because a contract’s been put on her life.

Wearing a permanently stunned look, Carolina tries to pick up the pieces while she’s in hiding and starts going to night school; men flock around her, of course. It says much for Temple’s growing authority as an actress that she renders Caroline poignant and philosophical; she doesn’t chastise herself for falling in love with the wrong guy when she was 20. But she’s one of those people who can’t get out of their own way: the last walk she takes in the film is haunting.


My humble opinion is that her big roles, like in ‘Dirty Girl’, ‘Cracks’, ‘Away’ or even in ‘The Brass Teapot’ deserved the attention, and Allen is not the first world-famous director she worked with (remember Martin Scorsese in ‘Vinyl’?). All of these prove her talent and greatness. I hope one day, she’ll be recognized at the Oscars!

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