Welcome to Juno Temple Network your best source for all information, news and photos of Juno Temple. You may know Juno from her oldest projects as Wild Child and Glorious 39, or more recently Little Birds and Maleficient. Dont forget to add our fansite to your bookmars and keep visiting for more news!
Juno Temple Network
Oct 22, 2020   JasonX   Comments Off on A handful of various pictures   Dress Like Juno, Gallery, Horns, Interview, Out and About, Site, Ted Lasso, Uncategorized

Since ‘Ted Lasso’ ended, the amount of fresh Juno-material is scarce. Luckily, Instagram always provides something, here we have some newly gathered, but not all new photos of her:

These two were obviously made this year, and they are most likely behind the scenes pictures from shootings, but I wasn’t able to determine where they are from, there are no clues, and in the case of the second one, the publisher refused to answer my question.

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Miscellaneous > Juno Temple Instagram > 2020

This is from last year’s Halloween:


Miscellaneous > Juno Temple Instagram > 2019

These are from the making of ‘Ted Lasso’:

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Television > (2020) Ted Lasso > Behind the Scenes

This is from an interview that was conducted in relation to her movie ‘Horns’ – on it, we see her with Joe Hill, author of the book which the movie was based on and Daniel Radcliffe, her co-star:


Films > (2013) Horns > Interview Screencaps > Juno, Joe & Daniel

And last, two pics that I couldn’t place on the timeline. One of them is probably from a public event, made by a paparazzi, the other is an out & about-style of photo, but it’s also very stylish, like she’s posing for a fashion magazine.

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Miscellaneous > Instagram Pictures

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